499 sekund


The story we are about to share with you is a short voyage through time. During this trip we will talk about cosmic spacetime matters. And about Earth. About things that affect you.

We count time with heartbeats, growth, tides of life-giving water, climate change, and with a watch. Always forward, as a one-way, asymmetrical, and irreversible dimension of the herein reality, time has a way of sorting things out. From chaos to order, from the whole to nothingness, from cause to effect. This story speaks about the relativity of the spacetime continuum, and about the relativity of sensing time, which sometimes flies by in the blink of an eye, while at other times crawls like a never-ending nightmare.

What feels like eternity on Earth can be just a flash when you look at a bigger picture. Today you can immerse yourself in the universe’s darkness. Let it be a lens through which important things become visible. We only have 499 seconds!

Below you will find a link to the audio narration with which you explore the exhibition. Put your favourite headphones on, launch the audio file on your smartphone and indulge in a journey guided by the narrator.


The audiovisual narrative is made up of the exhibition presented in the Art Walk gallery and the accompanying soundtrack. When you arrive at the gallery, turn on the audio in your favourite headphones to immerse yourself in the story of the photon’s journey from the Sun to Earth.


The exhibition ‘499 seconds’ is designed as an audiovisual narrative linking outer space to Earth. In it, the character of the narrator combines the issues occupying the minds of scientists exploring outer space, with the phenomena of Earth and the concerns of its inhabitants. A digital booklet containing the full text of the book has been created for the hearing and deaf and anyone who cannot benefit from the audio narration. In the brochure you will also find additional information and anecdotes related to the content of the exhibition.



Karolina Wlazło-Malinowska – creative designer, curator and artist working at the intersection of art, science and technology. In her projects, she seeks ways to show less obvious perspectives on the perception of reality, enriching experience and coexistence with other entities. She aims at the interdisciplinary exchange and the creation of bridges between physical reality and the digital world.

Agnieszka Słodownik – editor, podcaster & audio creator. In “Dwutygodnik.com” she takes care of the Earth and Podcasts sections of the magazine, covering art&culture in the context of climate change, and new everyday living and cultural phenomena. She loves to share her podcasting knowledge during workshops. In the past she curated new media art exhibitions (2010-2015) including kids audience and co-created one of the first cultural websites in Poland (2000-2013) “Barmleczny.com” publishing short stories, poetry, and netart.



Art Walk Gallery, plac Europejski, Warsaw

Artists: Agnieszka Słodownik, Karolina Wlazło-Malinowska
Narrative text and audio: Agnieszka Słodownik
Visual concept: Karolina Wlazło-Malinowska
With the participation of Marty Krześlak i Arkadiusza Rataja
Cooperation: Wiesław Czajka, Chris Hernandez

Graphic design: Karolina Wlazło-Malinowska
Polish texts’ proofreading: Małgorzata Kuśnierz
English texts’ proofreading: Chris Hernandez

Organisers: Fundacja Sztuka w Mieście, Ghelamco
Partner: Polskie Towarzystwo Meteorytowe


As you listen to the audio narration, immerse yourself in the visual part of the exhibition.