Grasping as a skill is learnt in the first 7 years of human’s life. Later on its change results from the refinement of the hand’s movements. The initial attempts to grasp things are made as early as in fetal life. In the tenth month of its life, the child’s grip takes on the form of tweezers, then pincers (thus the pincer grasp) and in this way a man achieves the first stage of his emancipation – the grip allows him to put food into his mouth.
With each stage of development, the grip gets more and more precise, allowing us to use selected objects with exceptional mastery. Let’s think about a guitar virtuoso or a climber for instance. Even if we use the whole of our body for climbing, its essence lays in the appropriate, refined grip.
Two types of climbing routes and grips, put together depending on the level of difficulty. The easy route is prepared with easy grips, commonly referred to as handle pocket.